AdMob Configuration

To include Nefta mediation network through AdMob SDK login to your AdMob account:

Create Mediation Group for your Ad Placement

In Mediation click on Create a new mediation group:

Select the desired Ad format (Banner, Interstitial, or Rewarded are supported) and click Continue, for example:

In the next step enter the name for this mediation, for example, banner-Android, and click on Add ad units:

Given that you want to include Nefta Ads to defaultBanner ad unit the next popup should look similar to this:

And finally, click on Save.

Include Nefta Mediation Network

In Mediation section click on the newly created mediation group, for example:

In Edit mediation group section scroll to the bottom and click on Add custom event in the Waterfall section:

In the new popup enter the label for our network, some high eCPM and click on Continue:

On the next step click Add mapping and fill the data to something like this:

Class name must be exactly: Android and NeftaAdapter on iOS.

The parameter is the Nefta placement ID which you set up in Nefta dashboard.

With this, your AdMob integration will start showing Nefta ads.