MAX - Price Setting
This page related to the Price Optimisation Strategy feature.
Considering that Nefta is integrated with MAX via custom adapter, the best way to optimise Nefta Ads when using MAX is to use the Fixed CPM option.
This has the dual effect of giving Nefta the opportunity to bid on your ad inventory at multiple price points and giving you control over allowing, for example, only the campaigns with the highest eCPMs to bid.
To set up Fixed CPMs on MAX, start by creating an ad placement on the Nefta dashboard. It is possible to have multiple price points for the same MAX Ad Unit by creating multiple ad placements on Nefta.
Then, add a name for the ad placement, choose the ad placement type, select Fixed Price and input the desired CPM; countries will be configured on the MAX dashboard:
Create ad placements for all the different price points you wish to create for a specific ad type:
Once you've created the ad placements on the Nefta dashboard, head to MAX to complete the setup.
Please note, if you have multiple placements for the same ad type which you separate on MAX, then these must be created as well.
In this case, we only have two Ad Units on MAX, one for banners and one for RV:
Click on the Ad Unit you wish to edit and navigate to Nefta under Custom Networks. Enter the Placement IDs for the equivalent placements on Nefta, and the CPM price. In order to avoid data discrepancy, please enter the same CPM price as it's configured on Nefta.
It will look like this on MAX:
And on Nefta:
Repeat the process for all Ad Units and the required floors:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our team.
Updated 6 months ago