Sample project with example integration can be downloaded from:


Minimal Android version 4.4 (API level 19)

Include the SDK

Nefta SDK can be included as either Gradle dependency or manual download:

  • Gradle
    Add the following repository to your repositories in project build.gradle:

    buildscript {
      repositories {
          maven { url '' }

    And then the following dependency in dependency section of your module build.gradle:

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.nefta:nefta-sdk:4.1.1'
  • Manually
    Or you can download the latest NeftaPlugin module from:
    Extract the NeftaPugin-release.aar file and include it in your Android project in /libs folder, so that it will look something like this:

    Then include this module as a dependency in your project build.gradle:

    implementation files('libs/NeftaPlugin-release.aar')


For the SDK to work it requires permissions for the network which you need to add to your project AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />


To serve and track the ads for your app, you have to configure ad units in the dashboard. There you will get the application ID for the next step.

Code integration

You initialize the SDK with the following code:

import com.nefta.sdk.NeftaPlugin;

NeftaPlugin plugin = NeftaPlugin.Init(getApplicationContext(), "yourAppId");

Do this as soon as possible in the application startup, to ensure the accurate event recording. If you leave the appId parameter null or empty the SDK will run in demo mode. This means that it'll always show dummy ads. To test the native integration without dashboard configuration.

If you want just the events this is all that is needed. You can proceed to the implementation of the actual events.

Code integration - Ads

To start the ad logic and retrieve all the configuration (so that no resources are wasted in case you are not having ads or you don't want them straight away):


Since the SDK doesn't want to introduce its own lifecycle dependencies, you need to call OnResume and OnPause methods when the app goes or comes from the background:

  protected void onResume() {


  protected void onPause() {



To show banners create an instance of NBanner like this:

NBanner banner = new NBanner("adUnitId", bannerViewParent);
// or
NBanner banner = new NBanner("adUnitId", NBanner.Position.TOP);

banner._listener = new NBannerListener() {
    public void OnLoadFail(NAd ad, NError error) {


    public void OnLoad(NAd ad, int width, int height) {


    public void OnShowFail(NAd ad, NError error) {


    public void OnShow(NAd ad) {


    public void OnClose(NAd ad) {


Auto flow

To load and show the banner you then call:


With this the banner will refresh automatically ensuring you to maximize revenue.

Or if you want to control each banner flow cycle manually:


// when the ad is loaded (after receiving OnLoad callback or when banner.CanShow() returns true)


To load and show interstitial do:

NInterstitial interstitial = new NInterstitial("interstitialAdUnitId");

interstitial._listener = new NInterstitialListener() {
    public void OnLoadFail(NAd ad, NError error) {

    public void OnLoad(NAd ad, int width, int height) {


    public void OnShowFail(NAd ad, NError error) {


    public void OnShow(NAd ad) {


    public void OnClose(NAd ad) {



// when the ad loads (after receiving OnLoad callback or when interstitial.CanShow() returns true)


To load and show rewarded video do:

NRewarded rewarded = new NRewarded("rewardedAdUnitId");

rewarded._listener = new NRewardedListener() {
    public void OnLoadFail(NAd ad, NError error) {

    public void OnLoad(NAd ad, int width, int height) {


    public void OnShowFail(NAd ad, NError error) {


    public void OnShow(NAd ad) {


    public void OnClose(NAd ad) {

    public void OnReward(NAd ad) {



// when the ad loads (after receiving OnLoad callback or when rewarded.CanShow() returns true)


In case you only want to load an ad if it has specific price you can just bid on specific adUnit and decide if you want to proceed with that bid, for example:

NRewarded rewarded = new NRewarded(_placement._id);
rewarded._listener = new NRewardedListener() {
    public void OnBid(NAd ad, BidResponse bidResponse, NError error) {
        if (bidResponse != null && bidResponse._price > 0.42) {

You can verify the correct SDK behaviour through logs: Testing