
Version Checking

The easiest way the check Nefta SDK version is by inspecting Nefta libraries by clicking in menu: Window > Nefta > Inspect and a window with information will appear:

Validating integration:


Things should work if you have NeftaPlugin-release.aar or NeftaPlugin-debug in the Plugins/Android folder with either one having the flag that it's included for the Android platform, but not both!


Similarly, here, the Unity build process should automatically include NeftaSDK by itself. As long as the Add to Embedded Binaries is checked:

Unity versions bellow 2022.3.3:

Unity versions above 2022.3.3:

This should result in the exported XCode project to look something like this:

Dex issues

If you encounter an error during the build process, that the method count exceeds 64k, you can enable multidex:

In the newly created launcherTemplate.gradle file add:multiDexEnabled: trueand it should work: