Example of events integrated
Casual/hyper-casual tycoon capitalist game
The core loops is: not enough taps, too many sinks, but the sinks increase your tap.
Keep spending your money to improve your income and efficiency, to increase your income, repeat.
Example of event tags:
Example 1: A level was complete
NeftaEvents.Record(new ProgressionEvent({
_name = "levelName12",
_status = Status.Complete,
_type = Type.CoreContent,
_source = Source.GameplayUnit
Example 2: The "core meta-game mechanic" was upgraded
NeftaEvents.Record(new SpendEvent({
_name = 'vaultPurchaseUpgrade1',
_category = category.PremiumCurrency,
_quantity = 20,
_method = Method.Upgrade
NeftaEvents.Record(new ProgressionEvent({
_name = "vaultLevel1",
_type = Type.OptionalContent,
_source = Source.ItemLevel
Example 3: Looted a cosmetic from a chest
NeftaEvents.Record(new SpendEvent({
_name = "chestOpen",
_category = Category.Chest,
_quantity = 1
NeftaEvents.Record(new ReceiveEvent({
_name = "skin43",
_category = Category.CostmeticItem,
_quantity = 1,
_method = Method.Looted
Click here to learn about integrating event tags.

Core gameplay loop

Core gameplay loop with Nefta tag categories
Should always be a positive number.
Very large numbers (values over billion) will be clamped on BE because of behavioural analysis.
Updated about 1 month ago