Ad Formats

These ad formats are supported by Nefta. Please make sure to always submit an end card for video creatives. And remember, the smaller the file size, the higher are the odds of ads showing in places or conditions with limited connectivity.

Ad formatPortraitLandscapeFile typeLimitations
BannersN/A320x50 (can be higher, but the pool of eligible devices on which banner could be shown will be smaller)jpg, png, webp, gif (or .zip with index.html and other resources for HTML5/playable ads)Size: < 2MB
Interstitials 320x480 (can be higher but the aspect ratio must be the same)480x320 (can be higher but the aspect ratio must be the same)Static : jpg, png, webp, gif

Playable ads : .zip with index.html and other resources for HTML5/playable ads)

Video : .mp4 or .mov
Static : Size: < 2MB

Video : Size: <10MB
Length: 120s (15-30s recommended)
Rewarded Video320x480 (can be higher but the aspect ratio must be the same)480x320 (can be higher but the aspect ratio must be the same).mp4 or .movSize: <10MB
Length: 120s (15-30s recommended)
End Cards320x480 (can be higher but the aspect ratio must be the same)480x320 (can be higher but the aspect ratio must be the same)Static : jpg, png, webp, gif

HTML5 : .zip with index.html and other resources for HTML5/playable ads)
Static : Size: < 2MB